Townsville Photography Club.Inc
        Next Club Meeting Monday 17th February. 
Interested in Photography and want to improve your skills? Want to join other like-minded enthusiasts? Come and join us at a meeting. You can attend the first meeting free before deciding on membership.

The Club provides opportunities for photographers from all levels to meet up regularly to share their images and their knowledge.
Our members range from beginners to advanced; all are welcome here. The Club has two meetings a month as well as field trips.

Being a member and participating in our Club helps members to improve their photography skills and create outstanding images. This is achieved by conducting competitions, workshops, tutorials, field trips or guest speakers on a monthly basis.

Check out Activities for Workshops and Field Trips.

The first Monday of the month is a Workshop which consists of either a practical demonstration on, using your flash, still life photography, video tutorials, editing in Lightroom or other software programs for editing images.

The third Monday of the month is when the competition images are shown. These were sent in by members the month previously. The images have been judges, scored and critiqued by accredited judges. Prints are also entered  for competition.

The latest images, scores and critiques can be viewed at the links on the News page, along with the Club's newsletter Snap Shot.

The Club is an incorporated non-for-profit photography club affiliated with the Photographic Society of Queensland (PSQ)

Meetings are held at the Oonoonba Community Centre, Shannon St Oonoonba.....6.45 pm - 9.00 pm

Meetings held at the Oonoonba Community Centre